Thursday, July 8, 2010

Moving on...

Sorry it has been so long since I last posted. I have been quite busy. I will leave my past at that, and if you have any questions beyond what I have posted, please ask. On to my life today.

A couple of weeks ago, I went to CF clinic. The report was only ok. Back in March, my sister and I had bone density tests (our doctor does them every 5 years if I remember correctly). On June 25th, we received the report. My sister seemed ok, but they said it wouldn't hurt at all to take more calcium. They raised our Vitamin D levels as they are doing with many patients. But my report was slightly more concerning. I have what the doctor called osteopenia in my spine. She said it's basically half way between having normal healthy bones and osteoporosis. So my vitamin D levels were raised and I have to take extra calcium. I was kind of surprised because I drink a crazy amount of milk every day.
My FEV1 numbers were at 96%. In March, they were 97%, but I blamed that (as they were near 107%) on the fact that I accidentally inhaled a Cadbury chocolate egg on the trip to the hospital. But they were down this time despite not eating anything this time (on purpose I might add). The plus was that my lungs sounded clear.

My doctor decided to put me on an antibiotic, just to be aggressive. She also told me to get more rest and exercise, the first I'm doing a little better at, and the second....well I'm at least thinking about it more. It's just hard to do when you're so busy. I go back at the end of July (on the 23rd I believe) to see if my numbers went up. If so, hooray!! If not, I come! I will have to go in for a clean-out. If I have to go in, it will be my 3rd hospitalization. The first occurred when I was 15. I am becoming more familiar with the respiratory therapists at my hospital (Fletcher Allen Health Care). I love my hospital. I don't mind being there, which helps when I have to stay for two weeks. The adult inpatient floor that they admit CF patients to is on the 6th floor. So for exercise, I run up and down the stairs.

But that visit is still a while away. Let's pray and hope that my numbers go up and that I don't have to go in. But if I do have to go in, I will be thankful that it is during the summer and not while I'm at school.


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