Wednesday, September 29, 2010

tenth avenue north...

In light of the tenth avenue north concert on Friday night, I wanted to post a couple of their songs from their latest album "The Light Meets The Dark".  This is the name of their tour as well.  These songs are just awesome! (I just had to make the colors purple and gold for school spirit :P)

Thursday, September 23, 2010

You will be missed...

Last Saturday, I woke up to a text saying that Eli had died the previous night in a car accident.  I didn't believe it until more people told me and it was all over Facebook.  I was shocked.  It hasn't clicked in my brain yet.  It's just a weird thing to think about.  His funeral is today at 2:00pm EST.  Eli was loved by many people.  He had an awesome smile and always brought smiles to the faces around him.  This is Eli with his twin sister Ivy.  The video below is a friend who made the video as a dedication to Eli.  She wrote the song last May.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Vote for CF...

Hey all!!!  Please vote for this!  It's a project Pepsi is doing.  By the time everything is done, if the CFF is ranked 2nd (they are currently third) they will receive $250,000!!!  Vote now!

Help babies with CF breathe easier!!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


So please pray for me.  I'm sick.  I've been sick for a few days now.  I'm slowly getting better, but I don't want this cold to do anything to my lungs especially since I'm at school.  On top of me being sick, my girlfriend is sick as well.  Pray she starts feeling better.  This sickness is going around all over campus so while you're praying for us, pray for everyone that they get better, or stay healthy.  Thanks!!!

Monday, September 13, 2010


I stumbled across this on the CFF's website.  Talk about an tear-wrenching commercial, but it really gets the point across!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Ollies Follies 2...

So for an update.  SOPHOMORE'S GOT 2nd PLACE!!!!!!!  Seniors got 1st, Juniors got 3rd, and Freshmen got 4th.  It was an awesome time and every one had a blast!!  When the sophomore's found out that we did better than 3rd place we didn't care if we made 1st or 2nd.  We just celebrated like crazy right then and there!!!! :D  It was awesome!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


So classes are basically all into full swing!  I will be one busy person this semester!  I'm taking two freshman level classes for my minor and two classes for my major and then one gen-ed.  One of my major classes is History of Political Philosophy.  It is going to be a hard class, and any free time will be spent thinking and reading and writing papers for this class!  I'm taking piano lessons and am also playing handbells (which doesn't take that much time) and working as well.  My girlfriend's phone quit charging so she doesn't have a phone for a while, so besides the fact I barely saw her in the first place, I can't really talk to her anymore which is super sad!  But a very good thing about it is that it causes me to GREATLY appreciate the time I do get to spend with her.  That's all for now.  I gotta go get busy!!!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Ollies Follies...

Sophomore 2010 Ollies Follies T-shirt
Freshman 2009 Ollies Follies T-Shirt
So my school always has a competition at the beginning of the year called Ollies Follies.  Last year the classes theme was a certain city.  As a freshman, our class had Chicago.  This year the theme's are Disney related (they're just technically not allowed to say Disney. lol).  The sophomore class as computer animation or Pixar.  Every year, each class has a different T-shirt to go along with their theme.  The picture with the green is of the sophomore shirt for this year.  The picture with the yellow is of the freshman shirt last year.  The colors of the shirts are a little bit off because I took the pictures with my phone, but you get the general idea.  The green is really more of a brighter lime green.  The picture looks more like an olive green.

So for more about Ollies Follies.  This competition takes up the first two weekends of school.  The first Friday kicks everything off with a whole school Block Party.  We just go, eat food, hang out, play games, and have fun!  Saturday (or today in this instance) consists of athletic games in the morning and afternoon.  Some of the games are ultimate frisbee, flag football, softball, and many others.  Tonight there will be relay games (known as wacky games to most).  These are just crazy events where people get muddy and wet and have to eat all kinds of food just after spinning around in circles with their heads on a baseball bat.  (This is not all at once. lol)  People scream and support their class, and even some of the other classes!  The next weekend there is a variety show.  Each class has two parts.  One part is a choreographed dance sequence.  The next part is usually some sort of acting.  This is the most looked forward to part of Ollies Follies.  The most people participate.  We all gather together into the room where we have chapel.  They've got all kinds of lights going and music and it's just awesome!  People are hyped up and having an awesome time!!  Once the performances start going, it's always a riot to watch everything.  I'll find videos on YouTube from last year and include them in this post.  It's just AWESOME! :)

This is the opening video we had.  When it goes dark, it's because Smitty and his daughter came running in the back and so the cameras turned live and followed him up to the stage.

Through out the night, in between each class, we had various funny commercials like this one.

Here are some of the things we saw last year from the classes!
(They may not be the best quality as they aren't the official videos)

This is part of the freshman's show.

This is the acting part of the sophomore's show.  They did their's exclusively in a video (for the acting).

Juniors Part 1

Juniors Part 2

Seniors!!!!! They won!  And if you notice toward the end of the video (around 5:30-5:45) to the right of the screen right at the end of the last dance, there's a proposal!!!  And then Smitty draws everyone's attention to it!

So basically, Ollies Follies is just amazing!!!! :)